Up and Coming from Central Park Farms

The snow has finally melted and a few sunny days have come. The daffodils around the farm are starting to grow and it's finally starting to feel like the beginning of the season for us here on the farm. For me, it's strange to think it's the start of my farming 'season', since we raise animals all year round and the only fruit and veggies we grow are for our own family... and for those customers who help take zucchinis off our hands when I've somehow grown far too many. It's not like we're a seasonal farm.

But, Spring is here and this year more than ever I feel like we're ramping up for our 'season'.

Anyone who's been by the farm lately know we're in a bit of construction -- those who know us well would say, when aren't you?! 

I'm so excited to say that construction on our new MASSIVE walk-in freezer is complete. It's such a vital piece of equipment to help support our growth and the services we are able to provide our customers.

And speaking of serving our customers better, I'm so excited our new farm manager Sharon, started on Monday. It's always exciting when you're able to grow your team but never more so than when that team member just so happens to be family. My mom will be here 5 days a week helping with customer orders, deliveries, farmer's markets, and just all around being my right-hand as we transition into managing both the farm and the ranch.

I know I'm a little biased but my mom is just the sweetest lady around so I know she'll fit in perfectly. Plus, she's an incredible business woman -- She left her career as the Director of Operations and Administration for a large international transportation company to join our team.

Also, starting in April we'll be adding variety meat packs to our website. You'll soon be able to pop online, order a collection of our ethically and sustainably raised meat and eggs, and then come pick up from the farm or have it delivered to your home.

As if that's not enough we're also ramping up to open Central Park Bed & Bale. A two bedroom private home located on the west side of the farm will be turned into accommodation where visitors can stay -- with their horses if they choose -- and enjoy all the local parks and wineries that we're proud to call neighbours. It'll allow people to stay with their equine friends and enjoy ride out access to both Campbell Valley Park and the Irene Pearce Trail. If you don't have any four legged friends, not to worry we will also be renting it for those who just want to experience the tranquility of country living.

And, call us crazy but we might even try to squeeze in an on-farm event or two this year!

Thanks to everyone of you who supports our farm and makes my dream come alive beyond what I could've ever imagined. I truly appreciate every one of you who comes and buys our products either from the farm or any of our retail partners, those who share our social media posts, or refers us to their friends and family. Together we're putting control of our food system back in our own hands.

Well, there's lots of exciting things to come for Central Park Farms so I'd better get back to work so we can get it all done.

Kendall ~ The chick behind Central Park Farms 


Central Park Farms' Long Table Dinner


I'm Sorry If I've Misled You